How is French omelette made? Let’s find out what is the right technique, the ingredients, the basic recipe and everything you need to know! Omelette is...
A tasty ethnic sauce in which to dip your meat main courses. Indonesian tradition teaches us the quick recipe! What is peanut sauce? It is a...
If you are looking for a tasty first course do not miss this recipe from Campania: ziti lardiati! The first pasta dishes are perhaps among the...
Let’s find out how to prepare homemade Parisian pizza starting from the dough following the original Neapolitan recipe. La parigina is a rustic Neapolitan pizza made...
Preparing the San Biagio cake is the best choice if you are looking for quick and easy desserts but at the same time characteristic. The San...
The sweet iris is a typical Sicilian recipe consisting of a leavened dough stuffed with ricotta cream, breaded and fried. The Sicilian sweet iris is one...
The softness of these muffins will give a special and new touch to your aperitifs among the genuine flavors of carrots and its light ingredients. Savory...
Aligot is a typical dish of France, a symbol of conviviality. It consists of a mashed potatoes, enriched with cream, butter and a stringy cheese. A...
Rosemary bread is a variant of the classic bread which, thanks to the presence of rosemary, is aromatic and decidedly greedy. Let’s find out how to...
It takes very little to make a simple side dish something sensational like we did with polenta with aromatic herbs. Polenta is one of those side...
The vegan bean meatloaf is perfect for filling up on vegetable protein. Here’s how we prepare it and some tasty variations. The meatloaf with beans is...
Let’s discover together a typical dish of Roman cuisine, or rather Lazio, the stracciatella soup in broth: an unusual first course! If you are looking for...
Ingredients and recipe to prepare the Neapolitan casatiello with the Thermomix, a salty leavened product typical of the Easter period and of Neapolitan cuisine! This savory...
If you love Easter desserts, why not try the sweet casatiello recipe, a fragrant and soft Neapolitan recipe? When Easter arrives, the kitchens of the housewives...
The Neapolitan tortano is eaten in slices and is perfect for using the leftovers from the refrigerator: cheap and tasty, everyone likes it! Tortano is a...
A real dish of natural cuisine, good and vegetarian: bruschetta with broad bean hummus and pecorino cheese A delicious aperitif or snack, rich in good proteins...
The Easter dove is a typical product that cannot be missed on our tables: let’s find out together how to prepare it at home with the...
Impossible to resist pistachio pancakes with their intense Sicilian flavor. Let’s find out how to prepare them for breakfast. There is no better way to start...
Incredible how by adding a simple ingredient the bread takes on a completely different flavor: try the bread with rice flour and puffed rice! Nowadays on...
A few ingredients are enough to create a fresh and tasty appetizer: we are talking about stuffed avocado. Avocado is the tropical fruit that most of...