Finding quick and easy recipes for preparing bread is not that simple and yet this bread with chia seeds is, try it! Chia seeds are an...
Air fryer donuts are a quick and easy recipe as well as very light, perfect for breakfast or a snack. Donuts are a must at village...
Air fryer spring rolls are a classic revisited in a light way, with a little oil but without giving up crunchiness Spring rolls are one of...
Courgette and lentil meatballs, a veg second course, healthy and perfect to serve as an alternative to classic meat or fish meatballs. Here are all the...
Tasty and with crispy skin, air fryer chicken and potatoes is one of those second courses that everyone can agree on. Imagine being able to prepare...
The recipe for porcini mushroom and cream sauce, a delicate but at the same time tasty condiment and perfect for seasoning pasta dishes or polenta. The...
Ready and perfect breakfast for everyone with gluten-free rusks: the recipe is the same as the original, you just have to change one ingredient. Those who...
Ready in 15 minutes and perfect for sandwiches and hot dogs, crispy air fryer onion is truly irresistible as well as simple to prepare. There is...
Crispy and unique in taste, air fryer desert roses are a perfect dessert to serve with afternoon tea or coffee. Desert roses are delicious sweets made...
They come from Abbruzzo and have conquered all of Italy, macaroni alla guitar are easy to make and good to eat. Here is the original recipe....
A classic first course prepared by a great chef is something else entirely: here are Borghese's penne all'arrabbiata. How many times has it happened to us,...
Let's prepare the quick and easy recipe for peasant eggs in the air fryer, a tasty dish linked to tradition. Preparing peasant eggs cooked in an...
Enclosing cecina, Tuscan chickpea flour, in a sandwich together with aubergines in pesto is a truly winning idea and is called five and five. Italian cuisine...
You must not think that diet desserts are less good than traditional ones, on the contrary. Here are our recipes that prove otherwise. We are always...
The recipe for pasta with peppers is tasty, simple and very inviting. Everyone will really like it: shall we bet? A first course with strong and...
The cagliette are a typical Piedmontese dish, a cross between canederli and gnocchi. Here's how they are prepared with the original recipe. Potato cagliette are an...
Gluten-free pizzoccheri are a perfect first course for coeliacs. Here's how to prepare them with rice and buckwheat flour. Pizzoccheri are a typical dish of Valtellina...
Similar to the classic recipe, the egg-free pear and cocoa cake is prepared in just a few minutes and is a truly delicious vegan dessert. Soft,...
The recipe for tasty cod balls cooked in an air fryer is quick and easy, crunchy on the outside and very tender on the inside. Here's...
Gluten-free recipes hide some pitfalls, but with our gluten-free pan brioche you can be on the safe side. Among the various difficulties of following a gluten-free...