How to prepare cashew and basil pesto, the vegan alternative to the classic Genoese pesto prepared with basil and grated cheese! Cashew pesto with oil, garlic...
Not only are they tasty, they are also super easy to make! Here are the courgette flowers in the air fryer (with batter and some delicious...
Simple and sophisticated at the same time, risotto with courgette flowers is a perfect first course to be enjoyed in spring. Here's how to prepare it!...
Here's how to cook excellent stuffed courgette flowers: a genuine and tasty dish with a very simple recipe (and a thousand delicious variations!) We often forget...
How to prepare the Moscow Mule, a fresh and refreshing cocktail based on vodka and ginger beer? Here is the step-by-step recipe! Today we explain how...
This typical Tuscan recipe is perfect to serve as a dessert after a meal: let's see how to prepare the closed apricot tart. If we had...
Today we see the recipe for zucchini parmigiana, a dish so good and tasty that it deserves a place of honor among the main courses on...
Here's how to cook excellent stuffed courgette flowers: a genuine and tasty dish with a very simple recipe (and a thousand delicious variations!) We often forget...
Soft and tasty, grilled calamari are simple to prepare. With our advice they will remain very tender: try them! When it comes to grilled fish ,...
If you are looking for quick and easy recipes to serve as an appetizer, try the crunchy zucchini in the air fryer. The air fryer zucchini...
If you are looking for quick and easy recipes to serve as an appetizer, try the crunchy zucchini in the air fryer. The air fryer zucchini...
A few simple ingredients for a really tasty first course: here's how to make spaghetti all'assassina, a recipe not to be missed. Spaghetti all'assassina are a...
Soft and tasty, grilled calamari are simple to prepare. With our advice they will remain very tender: try them! When it comes to grilled fish ,...
Simple and quick, pasta with courgette flowers is a truly delicious first course. Let's find out together how to prepare it! It is often thought that...
Here is the recipe for grilled swordfish, a delicious second course full of flavors and aromas. Today we are preparing a fabulous marinated grilled swordfish, a...
Tomato and burrata pasta is an ideal recipe to serve as a single dish, especially in summer. That's how simple it is to prepare. The secret...
Republic Day doesn't have specific traditional recipes, but to celebrate you can try our tricolor menu! June 2 is Republic Day, an occasion for many people...
Simple and quick, pasta with courgette flowers is a truly delicious first course. Let's find out together how to prepare it! It is often thought that...
Here is the recipe for grilled swordfish, a delicious second course full of flavors and aromas. Today we are preparing a fabulous marinated grilled swordfish, a...
There is nothing better than a cherry strudel to round off the evening. Serve it with a scoop of ice cream and you won't regret it....