The digestive alcoholic sugars are a beautiful gastronomic gift that is simple to prepare and easy to personalize. The alcoholic sugars are perfect to serve as...
Pumpkin and shrimp pasta is a first course with simple flavors but always able to conquer everyone. Preparing a good pasta dish with pumpkin and shrimps...
What is the chamomile compress used for? From skin to hair, passing through problems related to sight: let's discover all the uses. Chamomile is a natural...
It is a real boom that, in recent years, has characterized the rise of compostable packaging. Packaging products of various kinds in an eco-sustainable way has...
A quick and easy dessert, perfect for a snack: the apple rose will win you over at the first bite with its crunchiness and its scent....
Chanel transforms tweed into an eyeshadow: the maison's iconic fabric is now also a beauty texture It seems impossible to believe, yet it is all true....
Let's discover a delicious second course based on azuki beans, the "Kings of Japan", without sacrificing the charm and comfort of a meatball! Meatballs cannot be...
Spotted on the MFW summer 2023 catwalk, messenger bags are already trendy starting from the winter season Many millennials will remember when in the transition from...
Steamed cauliflower is not only a vegetarian (indeed vegan) recipe, but also an easy and quick side dish to prepare in the cold seasons. Steaming cauliflower...
What is trichotillomania? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which can affect both children and adults, can be quite disabling. Considered an obsessive compulsive disorder, trichotillomania is a fairly...
Characters from TV series and films, icons of cinema and music but also the classics for last minute looks: here are the Halloween costumes for 2022...
The burabacio cake recipe is perfect for those who want to prepare a quick and easy dessert with delicious custard. Do you love preparing sweet cakes...
The recipe for broccoli and sausage in a pan is ideal for those looking for a really tasty and easy to prepare second course of meat...
Simple to make and full of taste: it is the recipe for quince jam, perfect to spread on bread for breakfast or a snack. Quince is...
The pink salt plantain chips are a delicious, original and very simple side dish. Your guests will love it! As simple as all really good things,...
Ready to turn into the Sanderson sisters for one night and more? The Hocus Pocus makeup palette is terrifying and autumnal Trick or treat? In this...
What you need to eat before hiking: here are which foods are best suited to have energy reserves useful for effort. When you choose to do...
Let's go to the discovery of a typical Sicilian appetizer, dried tomatoes stuffed with breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley and anchovies. A real treat! There is a typical...
Dream, freedom, floral details: Off-White restarts from spring / summer 2023 under the sign of Virgil For Off-White, enhancing, pursuing, continuing but at the same time...
The pancakes with egg whites are fluffy pancakes perfect for breakfast and suitable for sports and shape-conscious. Here's how they prepare. There are several reasons why...