The zucchini and mozzarella fritters are a delicious and quick appetizer to prepare to get guaranteed compliments! Have you ever tried the zucchini and mozzarella fritters?...
That of pozole is an original and extremely tasty recipe. A typical Mexican dish with a strong flavor that always makes a good impression. Pozole is...
The swimsuit discovers a second casual life: here's how and when to wear it not only on the beach The summer of 2022 rewrites the rules...
Let's find out how to prepare white non-alcoholic sangria, a light cocktail perfect for all party occasions with friends. Sangria is undoubtedly one of the most...
Artistic director of Dior's men's line and then creative director of the Italian brand Berluti, Kris Van Assche is a Belgian designer who has entered the...
Sweet and sour watermelon salad: an original idea to enjoy the summer fruit par excellence in a different way … this time as an appetizer or...
How do you get a lip tattoo? Let's find out what techniques are used and how long the aesthetic treatment lasts. Do you want a lip...
The swimsuit discovers a second casual life: here's how and when to wear it not only on the beach The summer of 2022 rewrites the rules...
The one for pizza with ham and figs is a traditional Roman recipe. Here's how to make it at home and with few ingredients. Do you...
The avocado gazpacho is a very fast recipe that gives great satisfaction. Let's find out how to do it easily. Preparing an avocado gazpacho means choosing...
Just add capers, garlic and parsley to give your tuna and mozzarella pasta an extra boost of flavor. Here's how to prepare it. We have all...
It is often said that crying is good but few really know why. Here's what you need to know about it. Many people wonder if crying...
Let's find out how to make homemade raw ham like real butchers and thus have a top quality product available. Raw ham is perhaps one of...
Can I drink cola when pregnant? Let's see what the experts say and what are the contraindications if you decide to consume it. Can't Get Rid...
Can I drink cola when pregnant? Let's see what the experts say and what are the contraindications if you decide to consume it. Can't Get Rid...
The melon sorbet recipe with the Thermomix is ​​perfect for those looking for a different idea for serving melon. Here's how it is prepared! The melon...
Do you want a 100% veg dessert? So here is the recipe for vegan ice cream, without milk or eggs: really delicious! It sounds incredible, yet...
Slices of bread enriched with all kinds of ingredients: this is what our quick croutons are, a brilliant idea for appetizers and aperitifs. Let's face it:...
In summer, the strongest appeal is to (re) discover the beauties of nature and among its colors, brown is a trend, even in this season. Summer,...
Erethism is a term used in medicine to refer to a series of excessive reactions to minor stimuli. Let's find out what it is. When we...