The gluten-free casatiello recipe is very simple. A perfect balance of flavors that goes straight to the heart. Much more than a rustic cake, gluten-free casatiello...
Zero ideas for today's lunch? Zucchini and Philadelphia pasta is perfect for quick first courses and suitable for summer. Discover the recipe now! Pasta and courgettes...
Baked, pan-fried or scottadito: among our recipes with lamb you will surely find the one that's right for you. Lamb is considered a rather fine cut...
The asparagus and shrimp risotto is fantastic, delicious and perfect for making a good impression during a dinner with friends. Here's the recipe! Today we are...
Sarsina Easter loaf: the classic recipe (and the one with the Thermomix) to prepare a soft and fragrant leavened product to serve for Easter Sunday breakfast....
Here's how to make pasta with zucchini to perfection: a first course that can be prepared in many different ways, but which is always good! Here...
Cooking stewed Venetian tripe is quite simple. A few genuine ingredients are enough to get the maximum flavour. For a long time , tripe was a...
It is similar to mayonnaise, but its particular taste will win you over: here's how to prepare the recipe for homemade tartar sauce! Tartar sauce is...
Fragrant and with a beautiful pink colour, the strawberry pan cake is excellent for breakfast or a snack. Here is the recipe to prepare it. If...
Chicken breast with lemon is a very simple dish but with a surprising taste, ideal for a simple and delicious second course. Today we are preparing...
Pan brioche bunnies are perfect to serve for Easter breakfast or as a snack for Easter Monday on the occasion of the classic out-of-town trip. Pan...
Coconut balls are a perfect gourmet snack, quick to prepare and cheap. Let's make them together in just 10 minutes! Coconut balls are one of the...
The cuddura cull'ova is a Sicilian recipe that is prepared during the Easter period, and consists of a cake cooked in the oven, glazed and decorated...
Zucchini omelette is a recipe that never goes out of style, perfect to prepare for a trip out of town or to serve on the table...
Chickpea and tofu meatballs are a delicious dish that can be prepared in an instant, perfect for a dinner or a tasty aperitif with friends. Delicious,...
If you are looking for quick and easy recipes perfect for Easter, we suggest you try hot cross buns, a real treat! Among the Easter recipes...
In this risotto with vegetables and turmeric, a tasty and nutritious dish, turmeric enhances the flavor of garden produce. The risotto with vegetables and turmeric is...
Everyone has it in the pantry and its versatility is such that it allows you to range in every course. We are talking about canned tuna...
Stuffed eggs are a delicious appetizer that can be prepared in large quantities, perfect for serving during large dinners or lunches. If you are looking for...
The latteruolo from Romagna is a typical Italian dessert, belonging to a long tradition and easy to make, thanks to a simple milk-based recipe. The preparation...