Simple, quick and tasty, pasta with asparagus and bacon is a perfect first course for all occasions. Here are our tips for preparing it. Finding quick...
Tired of the usual trivial combinations? Take advantage of our ideas for a perfect mouth-watering toast. There is something for all tastes! Two slices of bread,...
The crazy cake is a light and delicious American cake, with an intense cocoa flavor but almost fat-free. Here is the recipe. Already from the name...
A few ingredients are enough to bring excellent fresh gluten-free pasta to the table. Here's how to make homemade rice noodles with eggs. Following a gluten-free...
The recipe for pan-fried asparagus is very simple, but at the same time you will have a refined and ideal side dish to accompany fish, meat...
Boiled asparagus is one of the basic recipes of our cuisine. Let's find out together how to prepare them without the appropriate pot. Asparagus is the...
A few ingredients are enough to prepare a delicious baked zucchini omelette: with our advice it will be amazing! Baked zucchini omelette is a simple and...
There is no tastier and creamier taste than Nutella ice cream and our recipe for preparing it is very simple, even without an ice cream maker!...
Here is the recipe for Terence Hill's beans, the dish from the famous scene from the 1970 film They Call Me Trinity. The web has dubbed...
Asparagus with eggs is a delicious dish that can be prepared in many different ways. Asparagus and eggs make up a genuine and much appreciated dish,...
Impossible to resist the temptation to dip into the sauce of this mussel soup. Let's see together how to prepare it in a few simple steps....
Here's how to prepare Tuscan fried rabbit, a delicious and tasty main course perfect for a family lunch or dinner. Here is the recipe for Tuscan...
How good are strawberries with cream? A fantastic dessert, which we often underestimate due to its simplicity and speed of execution. Strawberries with cream are at...
Also known as potage parmentier, the parmentier cream is a potato and leek soup typical of French cuisine. Parmentier cream, also known as potage parmentier, is...
The strawberry tiramisu recipe is perfect when you want to indulge in a sin of gluttony. Let's see together how to make this fresh and tasty...
The Bolzano sauce or Bozner Sauce is a typical preparation of the cuisine of Trentino-Alto Adige. The Bolzano sauce, also called Bozner Sauce, made with hard-boiled...
Baked saffron potatoes are a delicious and aromatic side dish that is simple to prepare. A spicy side dish that will color your table , perfect...
Here is the golden milk: the original recipe for turmeric golden milk and all the benefits of this miraculous drink. Today we prepare golden milk, a...
Cheap, nutritious and with an irresistible flavour: let's discover all the secrets of pasta and potatoes, the humble dish of Italian cuisine which has become a...
Langhe hazelnut cake is a typical dessert from Piedmont, easy to prepare and delicious when served as a dessert. Try it for breakfast too! Piedmont is...