Chocolate brownies are a typical sweet of the United States cuisine, whose name derives from the typical dark brown color. Brownies are a soft, moist chocolate-based...
Let's see together how to prepare the Torta Pasqualina with artichokes with the perfect recipe, even in the integral variant. The Pasqualina cake with artichokes is...
If you are looking for a particular risotto, then let yourself be guided by this typical recipe from Verona, risotto all'isolana. Isolana risotto is a typical...
Did you know that there are quick and easy recipes for jams too? For example, try the strawberry jam with chia seeds! Among the infinite properties...
Preparing roasted artichokes in an air fryer is really very simple and in 30 minutes you will have a tasty and refined side dish ready. Artichokes...
Maccheroncini al fumè are a first course from the Marches rich in ingredients and flavours. Let's prepare it now! The maccheroncini al fumè recipe is a...
Sorrentine pasta, typical of the Campania tradition, is a creamy and stringy first course to be savored on Sundays with those you love! Italy is a...
Boiled asparagus is one of the basic recipes of our cuisine. Let's find out together how to prepare them without the appropriate pot. Asparagus is the...
The mimosa cocktail is a fresh drink made with brut sparkling wine and orange juice, perfect for preparing for Women's Day (but not only)! Do you...
A few ingredients are enough to prepare ichigo sando, a Japanese sweet where strawberries are enclosed in a sandwich together with cream. Japan is certainly not...
Prepared with a little sugar and oil, the wholemeal biscuits without butter are perfect for breakfast and will keep for over a week. By now we...
In just 15 minutes of cooking you will have ready an excellent kid in a pan, stewed with wine, perfect for special occasions. Protagonist of the...
Peasant-style eggs are a quick and easy recipe, perfect to bring to the table when you have little time and don't know what to cook. Eggs...
Strawberry cream is ideal for decorating cakes and desserts of all kinds, let's see how it is prepared immediately! Whether you want to prepare cupcakes, tarts,...
Confit tomatoes in the air fryer are a simple but tasty side dish, suitable for any recipe and ready in a few minutes. The air fryer...
How to make perfect falafel? Today we give you the recipe with all the tricks needed to prepare these oriental meatballs. Ready to heat the pans?...
Let's discover together the recipe for the Umbrian cheese Easter cake, a savory leavened product perfect with cured meats and cold cuts and ideal for trips...
Fundamental for the perfect success of the dessert, the shortcrust pastry for pastiera must be prepared exactly as tradition dictates. The shortcrust pastry for pastiera differs...
With just a few minutes and only four ingredients, the water cream is ready, a light and fragrant filling, excellent for any dessert. It may seem...
Soft and with an intense lemon scent, the dietetic cake is prepared without sugar and with Greek yoghurt. Here is the recipe for our light dessert....