Be careful not to confuse the Abruzzo timbale with lasagna! This first course is much richer and tastier, a must try. The Abruzzo timbale, also known...
Christmas cookies can be prepared with many ingredients and decorated with colorful and… tasty decorations! Here are 10 unmissable recipes to make your Holidays unforgettable. Today...
Stuffed eggs are a delicious appetizer that can be prepared in large quantities, perfect for serving during large dinners or lunches. If you are looking for...
Let's find out how to prepare gluten-free cantucci so that they have nothing to envy to the originals in terms of flavor and consistency. Cantucci, also...
The gastronomic panettone is an appetizer that is served during the holidays, ideal for sharing the pleasure of good food with your friends and relatives. Here's...
Seafood salad is a fresh, rich and perfect dish to bring to the table both as an appetizer and as a main dish. Today we discover...
Liver pâté is a traditional French gourmet dish: perfect for important lunches and anniversaries, here's how to prepare it at home without problems. Liver paté is...
Today we offer you the recipe for the best Christmas cookies of all: here's how to make gingerbread gingerbread men! When winter arrives, one feels like...
Preparing gluten-free milk sandwiches is really simple. You can also make them in a sweet version with chocolate chips. Milk sandwiches are excellent both as a...
A few ingredients are enough to prepare the sweet Christmas tree of puff pastry stuffed with lots of Nutella, a worthy conclusion to your Christmas dinners....
To make a lunch special, serve the cannelloni with mushrooms, very creamy thanks to the presence of the béchamel and with an autumnal flavour. Did you...
Desserts are the last course on the Christmas menu and for this very reason they must be irresistible… just like the recipes we offer! Christmas sweets...
If you are looking for a first course with a traditional and genuine taste, prepare the recipe for pasta with broccoli and clams. Pasta with clams...
Four quarter cake or quatre quarts: ingredients and step-by-step recipe to prepare a soft and delicious dessert! The four-quarter cake is a very simple dessert to...
Let's find out together how simple it is to prepare minestrone in a pressure cooker, even in the tasty variant with pesto. To fill up on...
Simple to prepare, gnocchi au gratin are an easy first course that is also perfect for vegetarians. Here is our recipe. Let's dispel a myth: gnocchi...
Pan cake is a quick and easy dessert to prepare, perfect for breakfast or a snack. Here is the recipe to make it fluffy. There are...
Beetroot and gorgonzola risotto is a first course with a delicate but at the same time tasty taste thanks to the mix of contrasting flavours. Beetroot...
Baked pasta is a triumph of aromas and flavors, a recipe that immediately makes the family and brings a lot of joy. The important thing, however,...
Stuffed panettone is a delicious (and chocolaty) recipe to make the Christmas dessert par excellence even more delicious and special! The dessert par excellence – which...