If you don't know what to cook for dinner, the Sicilian rolls in the air fryer are the recipe that will make the whole family agree....
Soft and with an unusual shape, brioche with tuppo is one of the most famous recipes in Sicily. Here's how to prepare it with the original...
In just a few steps it is possible to prepare excellent peppers au gratin in an air fryer, without turning on the oven! Once again our...
Only four ingredients are needed to make one of the most loved spoon desserts ever. We are talking about homemade panna cotta! There is no restaurant...
How to prepare grilled peach and chicken salad: an excellent single dish for hot summer days. We prepare the recipe in a moment. Today we offer...
Cooking fresh peas in an alternative way is possible. Here are some recipes for preparing perfect side dishes for the summer too. Cooking fresh peas is...
Light and perfect for the summer, the mushroom aubergines in the air fryer are simple and quick to prepare. Mushroom aubergines owe their name to the...
The tuna carbonara recipe is ideal for a different fish first course. A traditional dish, revisited in a gourmet key! The tuna carbonara comes from the...
Air fryer onion rings are a perfect finger food dish for any occasion. Let's prepare it at home with the easy and lighter recipe. An aperitif...
Let's see how to make peperonata with the original recipe: with this side dish, you won't go wrong! Simple to prepare and perfect to accompany meat...
Let's try our hand at the original recipe of Apulian acquasale, a unique dish full of flavors and genuine products, which you can use in a...
Here is the recipe for Genoese chickpea flour, an excellent product of the Italian tradition and typical Ligurian street food. Today we prepare a fantastic Genoese...
Here is today a tasty but slightly demanding dessert in the preparation phase: the delicious apricot cheesecake. Today we are preparing a delicious no-bake dessert: apricot...
4 ingredients are enough to prepare the cold pasta with tuna, cherry tomatoes and olives flavored with oregano. Here are all the steps of this quick...
Here's how to prepare sweet and sour peppers in an air fryer, to serve a tasty and simple side dish. The recipe for sweet and sour...
If you are looking for a quick first course, Vesuvian pasta is the recipe for you. Get ready for an explosion of flavours! Already from the...
Pasta alla vecchia dive is a typical first course as simple as it is rich in flavours, made with cherry tomatoes, vodka and much more. Are...
For a simple dish? Here is the recipe to prepare the feta with cherry tomatoes in the air fryer, ready in a few minutes. If you...
Zucchini crush without gluten, yeast and milk, the recipe for preparing a rustic cake suitable for everyone and perfect for the summer! Today we offer you...
The melon granita recipe is perfect for those who want to try their hand at preparing fresh summer desserts. Here's how to proceed! Have you been...