If you have guests and want to make a good impression, we recommend you try our pomelo chiffon cake, one of the most fragrant quick desserts...
Spinach burgers are a great substitute for meat for a light and tasty vegetarian dinner. The light recipe for spinach burgers is a tasty idea to...
Have you ever wondered if you can eat food that has fallen to the ground or it is better not to? Let’s see what the science...
Lasagna with asparagus and bechamel in the oven is a wonderful and perfect dish to bring to the table to make a great impression: here is...
Very few ingredients are enough to prepare a light and tasty side dish like our beetroot and yogurt salad. Beets are a slightly mistreated vegetable ,...
Comfy, fantasy and freedom of movement: the adolescence of Gen Z is the common thread of the Louis Vuitton fall / winter 2022-2023 collection. If Miu...
Baked asparagus is a different way to enjoy this typically spring vegetable. Let’s see how to do it together. We are used to thinking about steaming...
Light baked asparagus omelette but at the same time very tasty thanks to the addition of onion and grated cheese. All to try. If you are...
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly attacks its own cells. Let’s find out what it involves and how it is treated....
Ready for a totally tweed wardrobe for next season? The trend from the Chanel fall / winter 2022-2023 fashion show. Tweed has never left us in...
Eggplant cannelloni are the perfect dish for Sunday both in their vegetarian version and in the variant with sausage. There is no precise reason that led...
What does male cystitis depend on and what are the possible remedies? Let’s see what there is to know about an often underestimated disorder. It is...
Vegetable burgers are an excellent vegetarian recipe, ideal as a main course or to fill the classic sandwich. Purists will want to point out that hamburger...
When is a complete check-up necessary, which exams does it include and what is its importance? Here’s what you need to know. When we talk about...
One of the questions that pregnant women often ask themselves concerns the consumption of asparagus during pregnancy. Here’s what’s important to know. Eating asparagus during pregnancy...
After some previews and virtual experimentation, fashion inaugurates the first Metaverse Fashion Week 2022. Since all brands are now headed to take at least one step...
Let’s see the recipe for bean burgers: perfect as a single dish or as a main course to be served with a side of grilled vegetables...
Itchy hands can create various discomforts and annoyances and is a very common ailment. Here are the causes, the meaning it can have and some natural...
Thanks to the combination of puff pastry and seasonal vegetables, the savory pie with zucchini and cherry tomatoes will be a very tasty dinner or an...
The dried tomato patĂ© is an excellent accompaniment to dishes of all kinds. Here’s how to do it quickly and easily. A condiment that is fully...