A special and original wish capable of astonishing that exudes goodness, authenticity and flavor and one more reason to celebrate: bread at heart! There is nothing...
Looking for a quick and easy recipe that will make you look good with all the diners? Try the salted radicchio and scamorza pie! The savory...
Are you short on time and running out of ideas? What is right for you is one of our quick and easy recipes: radicchio and gorgonzola...
Excellent both raw and cooked, let’s see how to cook fennel. Versatile ingredient, they can be used in the kitchen for many dishes … Fennel are...
How to make a perfect omelette? Are there any rules to follow? Let’s find out everything and see the best tips for this recipe! Ham and...
Since 1984 Cupper Teas has been producing 100% natural and additive-free organic teas, herbal teas and infusions, focusing on sustainability and promoting the well-being of the...
We can define pasta alla zozzona as a richer version of carbonara or, more simply, as a delicious pasta with sausage! The name says it all:...
Good, soft, perfect to dress in many ways and ideal for any occasion: here’s how to make homemade potato gnocchi! Potato gnocchi are a very popular...
Rebecca syndrome is a form of jealousy of one’s partner’s past. Let’s find out what it is specifically and what are the symptoms to recognize. When...
Chicken drumsticks with mustard are ideal to cook when you have guests for lunch or dinner as they are sure to be amazed! The mustard spindles...
Noodles and mascarpone noodles are incredibly greedy and suitable for an important dinner and with very little time to prepare it. Noodles with walnuts and mascarpone...
The light apple pie is a light and delicious dessert, perfect if you love the classic apple dessert but want to enjoy it in a more...
The original carbonara pasta recipe is a real institution of traditional Italian cuisine. Here are all the secrets to prepare it flawlessly! It is one of...
When are leg pains serious? Here’s how to recognize the severity of muscle pain based on symptoms and intensity, along with the causes and remedies. Leg...
Simple and quick to prepare, perfect to serve for those who love tasty and different vegetarian side dishes. Here is the recipe for vegan stuffed artichokes!...
Artichoke fritters are appetizing little treats that you can enjoy as an aperitif, appetizer or side dish. Artichoke pancakes are crunchy on the outside and soft...
Among the countless pleasures you can have in life, how can we not mention taking a nice shower? For many it is one of the most...
The latteruolo romagnolo is a typical Italian dessert, belonging to a long tradition and easy to make, thanks to a simple milk-based recipe. The preparation of...
Krumiri biscuits are traditional sweets, perfect for breakfast or for tea, here’s how to make them easily at home. Krumiri biscuits are Piedmontese sweets, and in...
Risotto with artichokes and speck with the Thermomix is ​​one of those quick and easy recipes for when you have little time but don’t want to...