Vegetarian chickpea meatballs are good and delicious legume meatballs, fun to bring to the table on any occasion. Here are all the ways to prepare them!...
The 5 minute chocolate cake is a quick and easy dessert perfect for all occasions. Here is our recipe to prepare it. When you need a...
Eggs with tomato sauce are a recipe from poor cuisine, but they are so tasty that they become the queen of a family dinner. Eggs with...
The soft and delicious Ferrara chocolate cake. Here is the special gluten-free cake recipe. Today we are preparing the gluten-free tenerina cake together: a soft chocolate...
Here is the chicken salad with vegetables, a refreshing and tasty dish, perfect to bring to the table as an appetizer on hot days. Tasty, tasty,...
Let's find out together what they are and how to prepare fermented vegetables, a dish of Asian origin with many properties. Although little known, fermented vegetables...
Preparing pipi chino, the typical stuffed peppers of Calabria, is quite simple. Here is our quick and easy recipe. Stuffed vegetables are one of those recipes...
Here is pappa al pomodoro: an original recipe typical of traditional Tuscan cuisine, tasty and easy to make. Today we discover how to make a delicious...
The dripping cake is the trend of the moment and lends itself to being prepared for birthdays and various parties. Here's how to make drip cake....
Fried green tomatoes with crunchy breading: the ingredients and the recipe to prepare a delicious appetizer! Today we prepare fried green tomatoes with a crunchy cornmeal...
Rice spaghetti with vegetables is a gluten-free pasta first course, also perfect as a single dish. Want to add something new to your gluten-free diet? We...
Here is the recipe for pan-fried pizza without leavening, delicious and very fast, ideal to serve as a single dish or during an aperitif at home....
The rice salad recipe is simple and delicious, perfect for bringing a fresh and tasty dish to the table. Fresh, colourful, tasty and suitable for any...
Baked mackerel is good and quick to prepare, an excellent idea for healthy eating without sacrificing taste. Baked mackerel is an inexpensive, but also appetizing and...
Let's find out together how to prepare an excellent homemade gluten-free puff pastry, in a short time and perfectly puffed. Following a gluten-free diet involves sacrifices,...
Here's how to cook grilled tuna with the simple recipe: a dish that tastes like summer and that you can serve in style! Grilled tuna is...
Dorayaki are easy-to-make Japanese sweets similar to pancakes and served with bean jam (anko). We prepare them with Nutella: here is the recipe! Dorayaki are delicious...
The zucchini and speck savory pie is a savory appetizer perfect to be enjoyed even during trips out of town. Savory pies are a genre that...
The zucchini and ricotta savory pie is excellent both as an appetizer and as a main course, especially for trips out of town. Who doesn't like...
A shortcrust pastry shell with oil encloses a delicious filling based on ricotta and eggs: we present the soffione di ricotta abruzzese! The ricotta puff is...