The Neapolitan graffe are delicious sweet donuts typical of the Carnival, a real temptation for the eyes and the palate. Neapolitan graffe are delicious fried donuts...
A few drops of lemon are enough to savor the intense taste of oysters. This is how we prepare raw oysters. In the imagination of many,...
Cooking plain rice is no joke. Here's how to get the best ever starting right from the choice of rice variety. White rice is not just...
The salad of raw cabbage, capers and toasted pine nuts is a delicious dish, quick to make and suitable for vegans Beautiful to look at, healthy...
The Sicilian pignolata, made delicious by the chocolate and lemon glaze, is a typical dish prepared especially for Carnival and Christmas. Sicilian pignolata is a typical...
There's no camping without delicious s'mores cooked over the fire. Here's how to make marshmallow dessert. It is above all thanks to films and TV series...
Pancakes with raisins are Carnival desserts that are as tasty as they are easy to make. Here's everything you need to know to make them super...
To warm up the winter there is nothing better than a chickpea soup with Thermomix, quick to make with genuine ingredients. Are you looking for a...
In 15 minutes your air fryer omelette prepared without oil and without bad smells in the kitchen will be ready to be enjoyed. The air fryer...
Turmeric herbal tea is a panacea for health. Here is the recipe to make it at home with turmeric powder or fresh turmeric. It is now...
Let's find out how to prepare salmon in an air fryer in two different ways, one simpler, natural, and one au gratin. If you are looking...
Born from the fusion of two cuisines, the pici cacio e pepe prepared with the original Sienese recipe are truly sensational. The recipe for cacio e...
Let's enjoy some delicious lentil burgers today, a light variant of the traditional meat burgers: perfect for all your guests! How about eating a great lentil...
Gratin dauphinois is a single dish of French origin, good and easy to make, with potatoes, cheese and little else. It is one of the oldest...
The donuts with custard are fried bombs made with soft leavened dough, perfect for breakfast or for a delicious treat. Today we prepare an irresistible dessert,...
Soft and fragrant, wholemeal sandwich bread is perfect for preparing delicious toasts and sandwiches. Try it with our easy recipe. We have now learned that wholemeal...
How to make crepes: sweet or savory, the one of French origin is a delicious recipe for all palates. Ready for an amazing recipe? Today we...
How to make artichokes in oil? Here is the recipe for preparing this perfect preserve at home to make wonderful dishes. Are you ready to prepare...
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, Anna pommes are a typical dish of French cuisine that is easy to prepare with 4 ingredients....
The Scammaro omelette is a dish of the poor tradition of Campania, and is nothing more than a pasta-based omelette without eggs. Ready to prepare a...