The recipe for Carnival chiacchiere is simple and delicious: let's see how to prepare the most loved dessert of this merry party! Chiacchiere are a dessert...
Zongzi are a typical Chinese recipe based on rice stuffed with spiced meat. Wrapped in bamboo leaves they are a simple and particular dish. Zongzi, more...
Let's prepare a perfect dessert for Carnival: the Arlecchino cake, a special dessert that takes its name from the famous mask. Today we're preparing an original...
To serve a fragrant and delicious dessert, take advantage of the easy recipe for mandarin upside down cake, full of fruit. Fruit-based desserts are the most...
Salt, sesame seeds and thyme are the basic ingredients of zaatar, a blend of spices typical of the Middle East. Here's how to prepare it. When...
Ginger risotto is a first course with a fresh and original flavor, perfect for a different recipe and suitable for any occasion. Today we prepare a...
Few ingredients, the same as the classic recipe, but served hot and flavored with cinnamon. We are talking about the hot spritzer. The cold season calls...
Artichoke omelette is a wonderful dish and perfect for any occasion: here is the simple recipe for this dream course! The artichoke omelette certainly needs no...
Perfect to prepare in winter, pasta with cotechino ragout is a quick and easy first course as well as a recycled recipe. Cotechino and lentils are...
Tropea onion soup: the recipe for the delicious soup typical of Calabrian cuisine based on onions (and with an unmistakable taste)! Usually when you think of...
Migliaccio is a typical dessert of Neapolitan cuisine based on ricotta, semolina and milk to be prepared for the Carnival party. What Carnival would be without...
A typically winter dessert, which is usually present on Sicilian tables from December to February: the sfinci Imagine some sweet pancakes to sink your teeth into,...
The fried anchovy balls are really simple to prepare and with their strong flavor they will conquer everyone. It's impossible to resist meatballs, whatever the main...
Soft, light and delicious, potato donuts are one of the best Carnival recipes you can prepare. Carnival sweets are fried par excellence and these potato donuts...
When you want to cook a second course that is very simple but has a touch of original taste, why not focus on chicken with fresh...
In its simplicity, leek and sausage risotto is one of those first courses that everyone can agree on. Here's how we prepare it. Few recipes like...
Who can resist the softness of the chocolate bag? Virtually none, especially if it's homemade and super stuffed. The chocolate bag is one of the snacks...
How to make artichokes in a pan? Here is a quick and easy recipe for a delicious side dish (and all the tips to make them...
The artichoke pie is a simple and very tasty vegetarian dish. Here's how to prepare it! Making a delicious artichoke pie is really simple. It is...
The matte potatoes are layers of previously boiled sliced ​​potatoes enriched with smoked scamorza cheese. Potatoes are among the most versatile ingredients in our kitchen and...