Chickpea soup is a perfect dish to prepare at home during a family evening, delicious and inviting. Here's how! Today we are preparing a convivial recipe,...
White spaghetti with clams is a delicious dish: a refined and tasty recipe. Seeing is believing! Today we prepare some magnificent spaghetti with clams: creamy, tasty...
Savoiarda potatoes are a rustic side dish typical of Piedmontese cuisine based on potatoes and stringy cheese. Savoyard potatoes are a typical dish of Piedmontese cuisine...
There is nothing better than a fish starter. And if it's simple to prepare like octopus and potatoes with the Thermomix, even better! Among fish appetizers,...
Savory pistachio cantucci with cardoons and olives are perfect for those who want to prepare rustic and delicious appetizers. Here's the recipe! Who said cantucci are...
Onion soup is an inexpensive dish, but full of taste and mouth watering. Directly from France, here is the onion soup, a dish that all lovers...
Perfect as a gift or to decorate a tree, glass biscuits are a perfect Christmas dessert that is very simple to prepare. Glass biscuits are a...
You can prepare many second courses for Christmas, and they are almost always the highlight of lunch or dinner on the 24th: here are the best...
Fresh fish is a guarantee of success: here's how to make marinated anchovies, a tasty appetizer to start a dinner with friends in the best possible...
The puffed omelette is a light and tasty second course. Here's how to make it soft and some ideas for customizing it. The omelette is a...
The salty Christmas tree is a fun recipe to enjoy during the holiday season, easy to make and perfect even for those who follow a vegan...
To decorate your table during the Christmas holidays, we offer you the recipe for the salty Christmas log, without cooking. The most beautiful and magical time...
Milk cream is a simple and versatile preparation, without cream and without eggs, ideal for filling desserts or accompanying fruit. Milk cream is one of those...
Preparing the cinnamon cake is really simple and in 10 minutes you'll be ready to bake a soft and fragrant dessert. There's nothing better than a...
Perfect for warming up cold winter evenings and more, sausage with gravy is an invigorating second course, a true comfort food. However they are cooked, sausages...
To decorate your table during the Christmas holidays, we offer you the recipe for the salty Christmas log, without cooking. The most beautiful and magical time...
Stuffed with ham and cheese, lasagne swivels are perfect to serve as a first course if you are looking for something really tasty. Lasagna is the...
Vol-au-vents are a delicious appetizer, ideal for filling in many ways and for serving. Here is the easy recipe and many ideas for the filling! Today...
Baking duck is really simple even if it takes a long time to cook. Here is our recipe with potatoes. Today we offer you a different...
Emilian fried gnocco is a wonderful recipe, perfect to serve as an aperitif to accompany cold cuts, cheeses and much more! The Emilian fried gnocco is...