The beef tartare is a simple and quick recipe: a tasty and classy appetizer. Here's how it is prepared! The classic beef tartare, which is also...
The wild boar ragù is a tasty condiment, prepared according to the Tuscan culinary tradition and perfect for your first pasta dishes. Maremma-style wild boar ragù...
Candied orange peels are awesome and easy to make: here's the recipe for this really yummy treat! Fragrant, colorful and delicious: these are candied oranges, ideal...
They are delicious, easy to make and versatile as a base for a thousand other recipes: here's how to cook boiled chestnuts (and the best ways...
Risotto with dried porcini mushrooms is a tasty first course that can be prepared in any season. Here is the recipe to follow step by step....
Here is the quick recipe to prepare a tasty cauliflower pesto, with walnuts and little else, to enrich a first course with taste. To make even...
To make a lunch special, prepare some rustic and delicious lasagna with pumpkin and speck with this quick recipe. If you have never tasted lasagna with...
One of the most popular preserves is homemade cauliflower in oil. An easy recipe to prepare and that you will have available for several months. Cauliflower...
Cod alla cappuccina is a delicious dish based on fish and polenta, typical of the cuisine of Friuli and Veneto. Today we are preparing a very...
We enjoy a light but very tasty second course, trout in foil, easy to prepare and ideal for fish lovers. Do you want a fish that...
Babka is a leavened cake rich in taste and which is becoming more and more known also in Italy. Let's prepare it together! When we talk...
The chickpea cutlet recipe is specially designed for those looking for a delicious dish to alternate with meat or fish dishes. Ever heard of the chickpea...
The calamarata con calamari is a fun first course, which plays both in name and in appearance with the similarity between pasta and shellfish. As you...
Blueberry sauce is a typical American product served in combination with meat and cheeses. Here's how to prepare it with the quick and easy recipe. It...
Ghost muffins are a quick and easy recipe for making some really tasty themed cupcakes. Learning how to make ghost muffins means being able to make...
For the scariest night of the year, prepare Halloween eyes, some autumn white chocolate sweets. Halloween is one of those holidays that has only recently entered...
Pan di ramerino is a typical dessert of the Tuscan tradition made with raisins and rosemary. In today's recipe we will prepare one of the typical...
Crispy baked potatoes: the recipe to prepare a particular and delicious side dish, to be combined with main courses of meat or fish. Who wants a...
The recipe for baked pumpkin with speck is really easy to make. Here's what it is! Baked pumpkin with speck is a delicious and tasty dish,...
Cheese lasagna is a delicious and really easy recipe for a tasty and super appreciated baked first course! Lasagna with cheeses is a surprising dish ,...