Here's how to make an excellent grilled meat, perfect for gathering friends and family around the table during weekends or holidays. With this menu for a...
When you think of quick desserts you almost never consider ice creams. Yet preparing this mango ice cream is really simple with our video recipe! Mango...
Here's how to prepare the recipe for arrosticini cooked in an air fryer at home, with succulent and tender meat inside. Meat arrosticini cooked in an...
The quick recipe for stecchi alla bolognese, the succulent fried meat skewers, is excellent for a delicious and crunchy appetizer. In the fried bolognese stecchi –...
Here are some ideas for delicious summer appetizers (cold and hot) that are ideal for bringing to the table for any occasion: try all our recipes!...
The zucchini gnocchi version is perfect before the end of summer to recycle all the vegetables you can't cook. Zucchini gnocchi are a colorful and appetizing...
Fish, with vegetables or vegetarian, cold appetizers are good all year round: here are our best quick and easy recipes for delicious and tasty dishes! Whether...
How to prepare gluten-free aubergine balls? The ingredients and the recipe to make a delicious second course! Gluten-free aubergine meatballs are a perfect second vegetarian dish...
A delicious and tasty second course, chicken with peppers is a simple recipe to make and perfect for a family dinner. Tired of the usual classic...
It takes very little to ennoble thawed plaice fillets. Here's how to prepare plaice au gratin in an air fryer. Plaice is a fish that everyone...
Fresh, quick to prepare and perfect for the summer, tomato friselle are a truly irresistible typical Apulian recipe. Frisella is a sort of dry bread donut...
The recipe for spaghetti with clams from Cannavacciuolo has a particular secret: the skilful use of milk and garlic. Here's how they prepare. Neapolitan, chef and...
The milk pudding is a fresh spoon dessert and really easy to prepare. Here are all the secrets of the recipe! Milk pudding is a really...
Here is the original dough recipe for Greek pita, the soft round bread that is easy to prepare in the kitchen. Known all over the world,...
Preparing chicken breast in the air fryer is really easy and it will take less than 15 minutes before it's ready to serve. If you also...
Our aubergine cordon bleu is truly incredible, whether you decide to fry it or cook it in the oven. Here is the recipe. If you are...
Also known as succhin pun in the local dialect, stuffed zucchini alla Genovese is a light and tasty second course. Here's how they prepare. Stuffed vegetables...
Golden and crunchy, onion rings are among the best gluten-free recipes ever. Let's find out together how to prepare them! By now you know that I...
Here is the homemade piadina, a typical dish of the Emilian tradition that can be filled in many different ways. Piadina is one of the most...
Simple to prepare, the tomato sauce in the air fryer contains all the flavors of caramelized tomatoes and fresh basil. Let's admit we experimented with this...