Stuffed zucchini flowers in the air fryer are a light, delicious and simple appetizer to prepare. Here's how they're done. When summer arrives it's really hard...
It is similar to mayonnaise, but its particular taste will win you over: here's how to prepare the recipe for homemade tartar sauce! Tartar sauce is...
How to prepare the coffee semifreddo? The perfect easy recipe for a delicious spoon dessert that gives you energy. Today we offer you the recipe for...
Zucchini farifrittata is an egg-free omelette with chickpea flour that can be prepared both in a pan and in the oven. The zucchini farifrittata is born...
Are you looking for a quick and easy first course that knows how to delight you with its flavour? Today we offer you ash pasta! Perfect...
Perfect both as an appetizer and as a second course, zucchini fritters are an easy vegetarian recipe suitable for everyone. Who doesn't like fried food? Whatever...
Tasty and perfect first course for a family lunch: here are the ingredients and the recipe to prepare pasta with confit cherry tomatoes! Pasta with confit...
Pine nut sauce is a typical Ligurian recipe that is little known outside the regional borders. Let's see how to prepare it with the classic recipe....
Air fryer potato and zucchini skewers are a light and summery side dish, perfect to enjoy with some sauce. If you are looking for a different...
Blueberry vegan strudel: a particular recipe based on natural ingredients, perfect for those who love to prepare vegan desserts. Try it for breakfast or a snack!...
When it comes to lingerie, Gianna Bellucci knows how to make a statement. The effortlessly sexy lingerie collection is designed to empower and embrace the sensuality...
What is Ewing's sarcoma? A rather rare cancer, it mainly affects children and adolescents: let's see the symptoms, causes and therapies. A rare bone cancer, Ewing's...
The aesthetic aspect is an important part of everyone's daily life, an element to take care of especially in some months of the year such as...
Cold coffee cream is a delicious dessert, the alternative to the classic espresso after a meal: perfect for the warm season and to beat the summer...
The beach beauty case must be filled with specific products to protect skin and hair from the sun's rays. Here are the must haves! When we...
Have you ever tried apricot tarte tatin? It is excellent for enhancing summer fruit with an easy and sugary dessert. If you are passionate about typical...
Green tomatoes in oil are a little-known but really tasty summer preserve, perfect as an appetizer. Here is the recipe. There comes a time when tomato...
Pepper pesto is perfect for seasoning pasta or enriching bruschetta. Here is our recipe. Peppers are one of those vegetables that tends to divide opinions: there...
Air fryer stuffed peppers with rice are a vegetarian and tasty recipe perfect to savor in the summer. Here's how they prepare. The air fryer allows...
Confit onions are a delicacy. Ideal to combine with cheeses, fish, mixed boiled meats, raw meat and foie gras. Confit onions are a tasty type of...