Delicious cheese and vegetable glasses: an easy recipe for a scenographic appetizer suitable for any occasion. The cheese and vegetable glasses are a simple and quick...
If you have children, Easter hard-boiled eggs will be a hit! These chicks become a cheerful presentation for the most classic of hors d'oeuvres. Chick-shaped Easter...
Wild asparagus omelette is a recipe for a tasty and substantial dish, perfect to bring to the table for a tasty lunch or dinner. The wild...
If you have children, Easter hard-boiled eggs will be a hit! These chicks become a cheerful presentation for the most classic of hors d'oeuvres. Chick-shaped Easter...
Do you want to prepare a delicious appetizer? Here is the recipe for delicious anchovy croutons on broccoli pesto. Autumn is coming and broccoli is coming,...
Scrambled eggs are a classic of American cuisine, perfect for breakfast or brunch, but also for a quick lunch. Today we prepare some fantastic American scrambled...
Preparing the Calabrian cuzzupe with the ancient recipe is really simple and we can guarantee that your Easter will have a completely different flavor. When we...
Not only does it not hurt, but you can also make great recipes in the microwave! Let's see the tips for cooking with this 'oven'. Who...
If you don't know what to cook for dinner, an asparagus omelette is the perfect recipe for you. Here's how we prepare it. The combination of...
Spaghetti with breadcrumbs are on the table in just a few minutes. Let's see the recipe to prepare a very easy first course of pasta. Spaghetti...
Preparing ugly but good biscuits with the Thermomix is ​​really simple. Here is our easy recipe for gluten-free almond biscuits. Ugly but good are biscuits prepared...
Ready in less than half an hour, polenta with a pressure cooker is as good as the traditional version. Try it as a side dish to...
Rosticciana, an original Tuscan recipe, is one of those dishes that conquers everyone, thanks to the tender and tasty meat cooked directly on the grill. Rosticciana...
Recipes with carrots: here are some easy and tasty ideas for wonderful side dishes and more! Carrots are not just a secondary ingredient to be used...
Here is the Father's Day cake, a no-bake dessert covered with a very simple icing and decorated with a chocolate mustache! On March 19 we celebrate...
Light cakes don't necessarily have to be less good than traditional ones and today we want to prove it to you with these ten recipes. The...
Baked ratatouille: the recipe for preparing a side dish of mixed vegetables, perfect to accompany main courses of meat or fish. Baked ratatouille, a delicious and...
The recipe for potato gateau (or potato gattò) is incredibly simple. Get yourself potatoes, eggs, cheeses, salami and let's do it together! The Neapolitan potato gateau,...
Baked ratatouille: the recipe for preparing a side dish of mixed vegetables, perfect to accompany main courses of meat or fish. Baked ratatouille, a delicious and...
Light cakes don't necessarily have to be less good than traditional ones and today we want to prove it to you with these ten recipes. The...