To define baked lamb chops as a simple Easter recipe is really a shame. Refined and simple, they are perfect for any occasion. The rack of...
Tasty and simple to prepare: here is the recipe for risotto with radicchio and taleggio, perfect to serve for a family lunch or dinner. Preparing risotto...
Nutella flower is a very soft dessert that will impress you: here's how to prepare it to conquer the palate of your guests. Nutella flower is...
Preparing the heart tart for Valentine's Day is really simple but it will be able to pleasantly surprise your partner. If there is a dessert that...
Stewed squid is a simple but highly effective recipe, perfect for bringing a fragrant and inviting dish to the table. The stewed squid recipe is perfect...
Let's prepare a perfect dessert for Carnival: the Arlecchino cake, a special dessert that takes its name from the famous mask. Today we're preparing an original...
Dorayaki are easy-to-make Japanese sweets similar to pancakes and served with bean jam (anko). We prepare them with Nutella: here is the recipe! Dorayaki are delicious...
Let's find out how to prepare spinach cream with and without potatoes, even using frozen spinach. The cold season invites you to prepare warm and invigorating...
Let's find out how to prepare ribs in an air fryer in just 20 minutes while keeping the meat tender and tasty. If you still haven't...
Pork ribs are succulent and delicious, perfect to serve to impress your dinner guests. Today we are preparing the recipe for marinated baked pork ribs, a...
The dough rich in lard and onions makes the Mantuan tiratto a dish for true connoisseurs. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe. It...
How to make hazelnut paste? Here is the recipe for preparing a delicious cream, perfect for enriching sweets, spoon desserts but also for savory recipes. Widely...
There is no carnival without the salty mileage, at least in Naples. Here's how to prepare this delicious recipe typical of Shrove Tuesday. What do Carnival...
Crumbly and tasty, Hungarian pretzels are savory biscuits that are ideal for serving as an aperitif even on the most important occasions. Crumbly and tasty, Hungarian...
Here is the recipe for no-bake strawberry cheesecake, a classic and inviting dessert, perfect for a delicious end-of-meal. Strawberry cheesecake is everything you could wish for:...
Baked kid with potatoes: the perfect recipe to serve for the traditional Easter lunch (and not only). Are you already thinking about Easter lunch, but haven't...
A dish with spicy flavors, chicken curry with vegetables is excellent served with basmati rice. Let's see how to prepare it with the original recipe. Chicken...
The vegetarian danube is a variant of the salty danube rich in vegetables but at the same time stringy due to the cheese. The danube is...
Easy to prepare even without a scale, the cake with a soft heart in the air fryer is one of those sweets that everyone can agree...
Potato rosti are a dish of Swiss cuisine, the basic version of which can be customized and enriched with many ingredients. Let's see the original recipe...