Tornado potatoes are nothing but spiral-cut potatoes, delicious and very easy to make. Here are the ingredients and the recipe! How many ways are there to...
To make pandoro you need two things: a star mold and… time. Let's see together the easy recipe of the typical Christmas dessert of Verona. Let's...
The savory pandorini will pleasantly surprise all your guests. Here's how to prepare them with the easy recipe. With the holidays approaching, the search for delicious...
A velvety cream to be enjoyed with a spoon: here is the recipe for eggnog, a good Christmas dessert with a curious origin! Making eggnog is...
Panpepato is a typical dessert of the Christmas tradition and which is prepared with chocolate, raisins, almonds and hazelnuts. Gingerbread is a recipe that is prepared...
Nougat ingredients and recipe: a simple preparation, perfect for the Christmas holidays and for those who want to prepare nice homemade gifts! Today we will explain...
Squid and broccoli linguine excellent first course to serve by combining an ingredient from the land and one from the sea. Perfect for any occasion. Squid...
The banana and Nutella cake is a quick and easy sweet to prepare, perfect to be enjoyed at breakfast or as a snack. After discovering the...
Unusual, light and delicious, focaccia with milk is a simple leavened product to prepare at home. Here is our recipe. Milk focaccia is a leavened product...
Here is the recipe for Neapolitan struffoli, a soft dessert typical of Campania cuisine that is prepared during the Christmas holidays. In Naples it is not...
Easy to prepare, pan-fried pork chops are the perfect second course when you don't know what to cook for dinner. Pan-fried pork chops are a simple...
Rice gnocchi with vegetables: perfect recipe for a light and tasty ethnic first course. Rice dumplings with vegetables are a must in ethnic cuisine. But did...
With a particular and pungent flavour, orange curd is a cream made with oranges, butter and eggs typical of English cuisine. The orange curd is a...
Rice gnocchi with vegetables: perfect recipe for a light and tasty ethnic first course. Rice dumplings with vegetables are a must in ethnic cuisine. But did...
Dried oranges make beautiful Christmas decorations, but they're also great to taste. Let's find out how to do it together. Drying fruit is one of the...
Fish fry is one of the most ordered dishes in restaurants. Preparing it at home is quite simple, just follow our recipe. Who doesn't like fried...
Trofie with grouper and aubergine sauce first course based on fish and aubergines perfect for a gourmet dinner, easy to prepare in just a few steps....
Gino Fabbri's Giubileo cake is made up of various layers, from the sponge cake to the black cherry icing, passing through the chocolate mousse. Here is...
The most popular alcoholic drink in winter, to be enjoyed as a digestive and which is also used to fight colds. Here's the punch! Hot punch...
With a long and difficult preparation, the kek lapis cake is one of a kind, but this colorful recipe is worth trying at least once. This...