Pasta alla vecchia bettola is a typical first course as simple as it is rich in flavors, based on cherry tomatoes, vodka and much more. Are...
Sauerkraut, a widely used dish in German cuisine, is a side dish with a particular flavor based on cabbage. What would a delicious dish be without...
The recipe for quick pancakes is designed for those who want to prepare quick desserts without sacrificing taste, that's how we prepare them! Have you ever...
Sole with lemon is one of those main courses that in its simplicity is able to conquer everyone. Here's how it is prepared with the quick...
To carve the pumpkin for Halloween you need the right pumpkin and good knives. Here's how to do it, how it lights up and how to...
The supplì on the phone are a crunchy delight: straight from the Roman cuisine here is the original recipe The supplì are very tasty typically Roman...
How to make fluffy and delicious pumpkin muffins? Here are all the steps to prepare these sweets to serve for breakfast or for a delicious snack!...
Provençal cuisine not too secretly guards a recipe for a very special soup, the soupe au pistou. Here's how it is prepared. French cuisine is famous...
Charcoal bread is a leavened product with an unmistakable color (and taste). It can also be prepared at home, just choose the right ingredients: here is...
Meatballs with tomato sauce cooked with tomato sauce and mozzarella are perfect for a tasty and savory second course of meat. The pizzaiola meatballs prepared with...
Let's find out how to prepare a quick and easy dessert, perfect as a dessert, the birramisu with the Thermomix. By now you know that even...
The tenderness of this meat will make you melt with pleasure: here's how to make a very soft roast of veal with milk. Roast veal with...
The recipe of the dried mushroom sauce is ideal for those who want a tasty sauce suitable for different types of pasta. Let's find out how...
Potatoes are the side dish par excellence, the one loved by everyone. Try our recipe for crispy pan-fried potatoes. True, they are usually baked in the...
Here is the recipe for the Oreo cake: simple, delicious and perfect to bring to the table a dessert that is fresh and at the same...
Among the traditional recipes of the Middle East stands out the zucchini mutabbal, the simple recipe for a spiced zucchini cream. The original zucchini mutabbal recipe...
Let's see how to prepare homemade granola in a pan, a crunchy muesli perfect to enjoy with yogurt or milk for breakfast. The day should always...
Preparing stewed wild boar is easier than you think and thanks to our tips you will get a tender and succulent meat. There are some recipes...
Have you ever tried the cauliflower lasagna recipe? Here are all the ingredients and steps to prepare an easy and different first course. Sunday lunch is...
The recipe for cooked apples with cinnamon in a pot is a classic (which can also be made in the oven): let's prepare a traditional and...