Eggs with tomato sauce are a recipe from poor cuisine, but they are so tasty that they become the queen of a family dinner. Eggs with...
Pasta with pesto is a simple and quick recipe to prepare a delicious fragrant and flavourful first course. Pasta and pesto are a perfect combination, rich...
How to prepare the Ferrara pasticcio, an ancient dish whose origins date back to the 16th century characterized by a casket of sweet pastry and a...
There are different ways to prepare trofie with salmon and we have identified three really delicious ones: with cheese, with cream and with zucchini. A plate...
Here is ginger powder for herbal teas, recipes and many other uses: let's find out how to make it at home together! Ginger is an increasingly...
A delicious treat perfect for a snack and to save strawberries: we are talking about strawberry muffins, a recipe to try! Today we have created a...
The recipe for pan-fried aubergines is simple and quick: a vegetable side dish that will conquer all palates with its goodness! Today we offer you a...
Never find easy cake recipes, perfect for any occasion? Our collection of simple cakes is perfect: don't miss it! Always having a collection of easy-to-make cakes...
The hard-boiled egg is obtained by cooking the eggs in water for 6 minutes. The final consistency is somewhere between a hard-boiled egg and a soft-boiled...
Would you like to make a soft fruit cake? Here is the recipe for strawberry cake: soft and tasty, to try as a snack (and not...
Namelaka is a chocolate cream that is halfway between a mousse and a ganache. Simple to prepare, it is ideal for filling desserts. Namelaka is a...
Let's find out how to make colored eggs: yellow, red and green will brighten your Easter table and are ready in 10 minutes! During the Easter...
Directly from Africa, vegetable couscous landed in Sicily, becoming a typical dish of the area. Let's find out together how to prepare it with videos and...
Paska is a typical Orthodox Easter dessert, mainly prepared in Ukraine. Here is our recipe. Paska is a Ukrainian sweet prepared on the occasion of the...
Egg white and sugar are the ingredients needed to prepare the feather cake, a truly spectacular protein dessert. From time to time the web gives us...
Stale bread meatballs are a wonderful dish that is perfect for serving on all occasions: let's discover together the recipe for preparing this simple and tasty...
Today we're preparing pasta with asparagus and cherry tomatoes: a simple, quick and perfect first course for this season. Spring is just around the corner and...
Torta Pasqualina is a typical recipe from Liguria: a rustic cake that is stuffed with chard, eggs and ricotta. Let's see together how to prepare it!...
Impossible not to love the Nutella tart recipe, an easy and perfect dessert for an everyday snack. The Nutella tart is undoubtedly one of the longest-lasting...
Ideal as a second course or single dish, everyone really likes savory pies. Let's find out today how to prepare the savory pie with asparagus. This...