The chocolate cake with hazelnuts is quick and easy to make… It's excellent to prepare for a delicious snack! Chocolate cake is a really delicious dessert...
How is Neapolitan ragu made? Here are the ingredients and the typical Neapolitan recipe perfect for seasoning succulent pasta dishes. Neapolitan ragù, also known as 'o...
Caccavelle alla Sorrentina are a typical Campanian product, a particular pasta to be filled with sauce and mozzarella and cooked in the oven. With this simple...
With fresh or smoked salmon, creamier or drier, broccoli and salmon pasta can be prepared in many ways. It is not clear why, but there are...
Pizza with sorghum flour: the ingredients and the recipe to prepare a rustic savory leavened product ideal for those suffering from gluten intolerance! Pizza with sorghum...
It took the hands of a three-Michelin star chef to revisit the pear tart. Here is Chef Grant's Pear Pie recipe. Many people think that desserts...
It is one of the fanciest and most delicious first courses: pomegranate risotto is perfect for special occasions, but it adapts to every day of the...
Let's find out together how to prepare a sweet from Naples, Poppella's Snowflakes: soft and creamy they have bewitched everyone. It is undeniable: when the Neapolitans...
Salmon mousse is a very simple and very versatile recipe, perfect for enriching croutons and appetizers of all kinds. Let's see all the steps of the...
The idea of making popcorn in an air fryer is really brilliant, especially since they can also be made without oil! Once again the most popular...
Perfect as a Sunday main course, guinea fowl cacciatore with olives is simple to prepare. Here is our recipe. Let's face it: there are very few...
All you need are 3 ingredients and less than 5 minutes to prepare nutellotti. And it takes even less to devour them all! The first time...
Are you looking for a simple and tasty first course? Try the spaghetti with three tomatoes recipe, made only with genuine products. Pasta with tomato sauce...
Russian salad, the timeless and perfect appetizer for a delicious dinner: here are the ingredients and how to prepare it so as not to betray the...
How do you make the French omelette? Let's find out what the right technique is, the ingredients, the basic recipe and everything you need to know!...
Tasty, healthy and vegan: tempeh ragout is perfect for seasoning your first courses and making amazing vegan recipes. Vegan cooking arouses a lot of mistrust in...
The zeppole dell'Immacolata are usually prepared in the area of Castellammare di Stabia on the occasion of Christmas. Country you go, sweet you find. There is...
Eggnog: the quick and easy recipe to prepare one of the most popular and typical American drinks of the Christmas period! Mulled wine is to Italian...
The zeppole dell'Immacolata are usually prepared in the area of Castellammare di Stabia on the occasion of Christmas. Country you go, sweet you find. There is...
Savory baci di dama are a tasty and delicious appetizer, perfect to serve on different occasions and which can be filled in many ways. Here is...