Let's find out the characteristics and how the lemon sorbet is made: a classic of Italian cuisine, to be enjoyed as a snack or as an...
Easy to make, good to eat immediately or to prepare in advance for a meal out of town: round zucchini stuffed with parmesan, onion and olives....
Let's see how to prepare watermelon sorbet without egg whites and without ice cream maker, your new favorite summer recipe. Today we want to offer you...
The pear and amaretti strudel is a really tasty rolled pastry dessert. One of the quick and easy recipes that is more pleasant to prepare. Making...
Quesadillas are traditional Mexican wraps that you can easily recreate at home to give a touch of typicality to the table! Quesadillas are a typical product...
Glazed ham is perfect if you are looking for something simple but at the same time tasty to bring to the table during the holidays. It...
The Easter regrown pizza is a typical product of Rome, prepared for breakfast and stuffed in many ways. The original recipe for the Roman regrown pizza...
A very simple recipe to prepare at home for those suffering from intolerances: the gluten-free vegan shortcrust pastry will please everyone! The gluten-free vegan shortcrust pastry...
Mazurek is a Polish dessert typical of the Easter period made up of a crunchy base stuffed with jam and chocolate. Mazurek is a Polish dessert...
Pastitsio is a typical Greek first course known to be very similar to baked pasta. Here’s how to prepare it for maximum taste. If you love...
Enjoy a moment of sweet relaxation with delicious gluten-free and lactose-free crepes. We will make you who are intolerant satisfied too. How many times has it...
Shakshuka is a typical product of Israeli cuisine prepared with tomatoes, peppers and eggs and served with pita bread. Shakshuka literally means mixture and refers to...
Among the quick desserts there is one that you do not expect, the Sicilian fedora cake: two layers of sponge cake filled with ricotta cream and...
Eggplant pie is made up of layers of grilled eggplant, tomato sauce, stringy cheese, and ham. Too good! The preparation is reminiscent of that of Parmigiana...
Risotto with scampi is simple to prepare, but it will allow you to bring a tasty and refined dish to the table: here is the step...
Liquid sourdough, also known as li.co.li. it is an alternative to mother yeast, easier to manage and perfect for leavened products. The liquid mother yeast, also...
Every housewife has her own recipe for the perfect béchamel, perfected over years and years of experience. This is ours, complete with tips for preparing a...
GemistĂ is a typical Greek dish prepared with vegetables stuffed with rice, capers, olives and aromatic herbs. Here’s how it is prepared. Today we want to...
Let’s discover one of the most popular quick and easy recipes in the Marche region, the frascarelli, a kind of white flour polenta with rice. Frascarelli,...
U’bredette is a typical dish from Termoli. It is a fish soup originally prepared with the leftovers of the fish. U ‘bredette alla molisana is a...