The vegan lady’s kisses are a must try if you are craving easy vegan recipes with a sure result. Baci di dama are delicious sweets originating...
Chicken with walnuts makes a good impression if you have guests for lunch or dinner and you don’t have much time to sit behind the stove....
Small and full of flavor, the mini pasqualines are the delicious finger food par excellence that will amaze everyone at the table. Today we offer you...
Today we offer you the asparagus and pancetta risotto, a truly exquisite first course and to be made in a matter of minutes. How many times...
All the flavors of one of the most famous German desserts ever packed in one bite thanks to Black Forest cupcakes. When it comes to quick...
The soft and delicious Ferrara chocolate cake. Here is the special recipe for the gluten-free tenerina cake. Today let’s prepare the gluten-free tender cake together: a...
Tasty and light dressing, how to prepare spinach and basil pesto, an easy and perfect recipe for a sauce ready in minutes! Spinach pesto is a...
Here is an energetic and light soup for you at the same time, with which to get back in shape after the holidays: the spinach, oat...
The gluten-free tortillas with feta are flavorful and good and are made with chickpea flour The gluten-free tortillas with feta flavored with basil and olives are...
For Valentine’s Day, there is nothing better than a delicious lover’s risotto with prawns and mascarpone cream. On the day of the feast of lovers, there...
Thanks to their quick and easy preparation, the gluten-free cookies with Thermomix are sweet and delicious snacks. Gluten-free cookies with Thermomix are one of the most...
Artichoke omelette Simple, genuine, fast: what’s better than an artichoke omelette ? For all egg lovers , this is truly an indispensable and perfect dish to...
The country cake brings to mind of those who taste the memories and scents of childhood, at the same time made of simplicity and good things....
The marquise it is an extremely easy to prepare chocolate base, similar to sponge cake and free of flour. The marquise is a base for gluten-free...
When you have little time and are looking for quick and easy recipes, falafel with Thermomix are the right choice for you. Falafel with Thermomix are...
Here’s how to quickly make a soft gluten-free sponge cake with the Thermomix, a base suitable for savory savory and sweet preparations. The sponge cake is...
One of the most popular dishes during the long and cold winter season are lasagna with broccoli and sausage, as delicious as those with meat sauce....
Here is the recipe for pasta with swordfish, a delicious and simple dish to prepare in a short time. Do you like easy first courses based...
Let’s try together the delicious and tasty vegan recipe of lupine meatballs with dried tomatoes: imagination and taste on your table. Tired of the usual soup?...
Camille with Thermomix are prepared with healthy and genuine ingredients, therefore they are also suitable for the daily snack of the little ones. Camille are tender...