Celeriac soup with amaranth is a delicate and complete dish, excellent as a single dish The celeriac soup with amaranth is made with this vegetable belonging...
Dried chestnuts are a great way to store chestnuts. Let's see together how to make them at home and how to use them in your recipes....
Among the excellences of Italian cuisine are Nicola Pomata's linguine alla Nicolo, then revisited by his son Luigi. Here is the recipe. The story behind a...
Baked guinea fowl is one of the most popular second courses of meat during the Christmas holidays (and for family lunches). Simple to prepare, it is...
Creamy and tasty, pasta with artichokes and ricotta is one of those dinner-saving first courses that are worth having in your repertoire. When the artichoke season...
The smoked salmon canapés are a delicious and very quick appetizer to prepare, perfect for bringing taste and color to the table! Here are some canapes...
Let's find out how to prepare a perfect meat broth: the recipe and all the tips. The meat broth is one of those wild recipes that...
To prepare a delicious snack suitable for everyone, try the recipe for the gluten-free Nutella sweet roll. From today, we can all have a snack together....
Orange cake is a quick and easy dessert perfect to prepare in winter using organic fruit. We have crowned oranges as the queens of winter and...
Today we show you how to prepare a quick and easy recipe, veal strips with artichokes. Here are all the steps. We really like the idea...
Green gnocchi with broccoli and almonds make the perfect marriage between vegetables, cheeses and almonds: seeing is believing. Green gnocchi with broccoli and almonds are a...
The spinach and fontina flan is the ideal appetizer to make a good impression on your guests without sacrificing simplicity. A refined appetizer that will make...
Tender and with a particular flavor, sauerbraten is one of the most famous German recipes. This is how the beef roast is prepared. German cuisine does...
The broccoli and sausage pizza with mozzarella is a truly amazing white pizza, easy to prepare both in the pan and on the plate. Not everyone...
San Martino fritters with raisins and fennel seeds are really easy to prepare. Here's how we do them. You know the old pancakes, those prepared by...
Here is the recipe to replicate the fantastic Zurich cake at home, a Pinerolo dessert with chocolate, nougat, Chantilly cream. The original Zurich cake recipe is...
A few very tasty ingredients make up spaghetti alla vigliacca, a typical Tuscan first course based on bacon. The idea of ​​calling a pasta dish that...
Pasta alla bottarga is an easy dish to make and very tasty! Let's see how to prepare this tasty recipe. Do you have relatives for lunch...
In a short time you can make a second course with a really tasty side dish, perfect for Sunday lunch. Here is our meatloaf with artichokes....
Easy to customize, the orange and apple salad is the perfect side dish for special occasions. This is how the fruit salad is prepared. The custom...