Bibimbap is a recipe of Korean origin: a typical product based on rice, meat and vegetables. Let's find out how to prepare it at home in...
The yeast-free donut recipe is perfect for those who want to prepare a quick and easy dessert. Turn on the oven immediately! The yeast-free donut with...
If you have always wondered how to make mozzarella, we are about to reveal the few steps that separate you from your homemade cheese. We know...
The watermelon ice cream recipe is a real must of the summer season, when it is possible to find fresh and juicy watermelons. Making fresh watermelon...
From the Valle d'Aosta tradition comes a typical local dessert: the flantze, soft and sugary that will drive you crazy. The flantze, or also called flandze,...
Risotto tied with eggs is a delicious and light first course, a tasty alternative to the usual soup. Risotto tied with eggs is an easy first...
Let's find out how to make candied pumpkin at home, a typical Sicilian recipe to fill desserts or to accompany cheeses. Zuccata, also known as cucuzzata...
Recipe of beer and speck risotto perfect for those who want to bring a delicious and tasty first course to the table! The beer and speck...
Pumpkin sweet plumcake: perfect recipe to prepare a tasty and perfect dessert for breakfast. Here's how to prepare it! The sweet pumpkin plumcake is a very...
The melon semifreddo recipe is perfect for those looking for a different and original idea to use fresh seasonal fruit. Prepare it now with us! If...
The panada of eels from Asseminese is a typical Sardinian recipe whose preparation recalls that of the classic panada. Panada di eels is a typical product...
Ingredients and recipe of the milk donut, a fragrant and perfect dessert to bring to the table for breakfast! The super soft milk donut is for...
Let's prepare together the quick and easy recipe for pumpkin pie with the Thermomix, an amazingly soft and fragrant dessert. The pumpkin pie is a dessert...
4 ingredients are enough to prepare cold pasta with tuna, cherry tomatoes and olives flavored with oregano. Here are all the steps in this quick recipe....
Let's find out how to prepare Bolognese Chicken Galantine, a white meat-based sausage that is easy to prepare at home. Galantine is a second traditional dish...
Pasta with pears and gorgonzola is one of the most delicious first courses there is. It is, in fact, a creamy and really pleasant recipe to...
Recipe of grape jam with the Thermomix: let's immediately discover all the secrets of the recipe useful for preserving seasonal fruit. Preparing grape jam with the...
Preparing coffee cream with the Thermomix is ​​really simple, both using instant coffee and espresso. Coffee is a vice that is really difficult to give up...
The recipe for crispy baked peas is perfect for those looking for a delicious finger food to serve as an appetizer or simply for those who...
Let's find out together what civet means and what is the technique to perfectly cook rabbit with red wine. Have you ever heard of rabbit al...