Here is a delicious dessert that will appeal to young and old: the yellow pumpkin pie, a simple but delicious dessert. Today we prepare the recipe...
The recipe for the watermelon popsicle can only leave you speechless: a spectacular stick based on fruit to be discovered. Let's prepare it together. There is...
Viennese shortcrust pastry is a basic pastry dough, characterized by an incredible taste, all thanks to the hazelnuts and more! Are you wondering how to prepare...
Let's see how to prepare lemon sorbet with the Thermomix any model you have, quickly and easily, without egg white and without ice cream maker. The...
Risotto with peppers: the recipe for a tasty and savory first course thanks to the addition of paprika powder and stringy cheese. Here's how it is...
There are various ways to prepare the tuna in the oven, all equally simple and perfect if you are looking for a second course of fish...
Let's find out how to prepare Bombolo's spaghetti alla fart, one of the most famous recipes of the films. But how many first courses of pasta...
The tuna and pea risotto recipe is perfect for those looking for a dish that is as simple to make as it is good and tasty....
The pear and rocket salad is a delicious appetizer that is one of the quick and easy recipes. The ideal choice for any occasion. Preparing the...
The recipe of the meat sauce with the Thermomix is ​​perfect for those who want to prepare the classic meat sauce in a practical and fast...
Let's find out how to prepare a coffee cheesecake without jelly but very greedy, perfect to serve at the end of a meal. The cheesecakes, all...
The homemade blueberry liqueur is a very simple and perfect recipe for those who love to prepare homemade drinks and spirits. Blueberry liqueur is an ideal...
The caper pesto recipe is suitable for those looking for a delicious and versatile dressing. Find out now how it is prepared! Do you want to...
The melon cake recipe is perfect for those looking for ideas for making fresh melon desserts. Let's find out how to do it right away! Among...
The recipe of the Genoese touch or tuccu zeneize is perfect for those who want to try a traditional sauce to be used to season ravioli,...
The Sicilian almond granita is one of the best known thanks to its particular texture. The original recipe can be prepared both with and without an...
The recipe of watermelon baskets is perfect for the summer season. With its colors and flavors it is just what we need in this period. Baskets...
Let's find out how caipiroska is prepared from the ingredients to the procedure and then delve into its most famous flavors. The caipiroska is a so-called...
The pressure cooker ragĂą recipe is perfect for those who want to prepare a tasty and tasty pasta sauce. Do you want to know how to...
The recipe for fig and almond jam is an easy to make preserve and perfect for those who love the genuine flavors of seasonal fruit. The...